Consulting and feasibility studies and financing

الإستشارات ودراسات الجدوى الإقتصادية والتمويلية

Consulting and feasibility studies and financing

Through a team of professors and specialists The company conducts Economic & Financial feasibility studies where the feasibility study shows the expected return of the project and the external influences that could affect this project and clarify the needs of the idea.

The feasibility study also provides entrepreneurs and investors with sufficient opportunity to look at the results, whether these results are negative or positive.

It also gives us indications of the obstacles expected to occur in the project and to think about the idea and the feasibility of implementation.

One of the Feasibility Study features is that it has an in-depth look, where the element of time is critical to the feasibility study of projects in order to maximize the marketing success of the project for long periods of time due to the continuous development of the project.

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